ZAG-Cup 2024 in Hannover

The ZAG Cup in Hanover, organised by TuS Vinnhorst under the tournament management of Jörg Niebuhr, took place for the tenth time this year!
In the Olympic year, the tournament was unfortunately held with a smaller participation: only 48 gymnasts in the age groups 12 (and younger) to 16 years from 5 nations took part in this year's competition, including participants from the Netherlands, Ireland, Israel and a gymnast from Romania and, of course, numerous gymnasts from the host country Germany.
As always, the competition was excellently organised and run and after a long break, we were finally back again. The arena in Vinnhorst is ideal for a gymnastics tournament, and the numerous mostly volunteer helpers created a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere, with the all-around competition being held in two rounds on Saturday, followed by the finals for all age groups on the individual apparatus on Sunday.
From our side, we can and would like to warmly recommend this tournament for young gymnasts and would be delighted if teams from all over Europe register next year and give the competition the level of attention it deserves! There are not so many internationally organised tournaments for this age group and it is also very important for the young athletes to be able to compare their performances with each other and make their first contacts.
As always, you can find details of the results on
We had a lot of fun at the competition and were also there for the first time with our mobile photo studio.
We will be sorting and editing the photos from the competition as soon as possible. As always, a preview of all the photos will be available in our online shop. Individual photos and photo sets of individual participants can be ordered as usual.
UPDATE - 2024-06-06 / 7:24 pm
The first photos are already uploading:
* all award ceremonies
* all group photos
* all general photos
The photos of the individual participants will follow one by one in the next few days, but we will first sort and edit them manually.
The photos from the mobile photo studio have already been sent to all participants by e-mail. If you have not received the mail, please check your spam filters. The mails contain a download link and it may well be that these mails are caught by the spam filter (even if they shouldn't be).
UPDATE 2 - 2024-06-07 / 11:32 pm
All photos of Age Class 12 are online.
UPDATE 3 - 2024-06-10 / 8:45 pm
The photos for age groups 13 and 14 are currently being uploaded. The only thing missing is the age groups 15 and 16, which will be uploaded either on Wednesday or Thursday.
UPDATE 4 - 2024-06-12 / 9:13 pm
All photos of the ZAG Cup 2024 are online.
Link to the gallery:
We hope and look forward to receiving numerous orders, as documenting such major events always involves a great deal of time and money.