Austrian Future Cup 2023

It has taken a long time, but the first photos are now being imported into our galleries.
In addition to the general photos, medal ceremonies and group photos, the athletes of the following nations are also being uploaded:
- Australia
- Germany
- Finland
- Great Britain
The photos of all other participants are still being processed and, as usual, individual photos and photo sets of individual participants can be ordered.
Link to the gallery:
UPDATE 1 from 2024-03-08 / 8:57pm:
And the upload continues. The photos of the following nations are ready and are currently being uploaded:
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Canada
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
What is still missing? Next uploads as soon as the photos are ready: Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary and Wales.
UPDATE 2 from 2024-03-17 / 8:54 Uhr:
The last update from the Future Cup 2023: The photos of the remaining teams are currently being uploaded and imported:
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Slovenia
- Czech Republic
- Ukraine
- Hungary
- Wales
When the import process is finished, all photos from the Austrian Future Cup 2023 will be online!
Just in time for the next big event: the International Junior Team Cup 2024.