Future changes to our store system

News from 01.01.2025
Mandatory registration in December or early next year
Mandatory registration in December or early next year

Dear customers,

There will be some changes to our store system in the new year, as we will be forced by the GDPR to no longer show photos of our events “publicly”. This is of course another negative development for the visibility of (youth competitive) sport and bad news for most of the athletes featured on our website.

Data protection is of course an important issue in Germany, which does not stop at accredited event photographers and competitive sport.

What does this mean in concrete terms?
ALL photos in our online store will in future only be visible via a registered account.
If you want to see the photos, you must first register a free account with us. We have to verify and approve the account.
After approval, you can log in conveniently via a login and then have access to the photos.

Our developer and programmer are currently working on the corresponding implementation.

We will try to implement the system in such a way that existing accounts are integrated into the new system.

When will this happen?
Implementation is planned for this month or, depending on the amount of work and development required, at the beginning of the new year.

What does that mean for us?
We are trying to make the best of the situation.

However, we are currently very concerned that our photo sales will drop so sharply as a result that we will have to give up next year.
We assume that all those who need photos promptly (all editorial and journalistic employees of newspapers, magazines and club magazines etc.) cannot or will not use the registration procedure and will then look for alternative options or simply not report at all or report only without photos.

Our current situation is already very problematic, we barely cover our running costs with our work. We cannot make a living from our work. A further decline in income will break our backs. Only you can help us to avoid this by using the necessary registration in future. This will be free of charge.